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Misa Sacred Heart Rowlett


«Whoever eats this bread will live forever»
                          John 6:51

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The Sacrament of our faith

«The Eucharist is the sum and summary of our faith: 'Our way of thinking is attuned to the Eucharist, and the Eucharist in turn confirms our way of thinking'» (Catechism of the Catholic Church)


The Eucharist is considered the most significant Sacrament in the Catholic faith.  Jesus himself desired to remain present with us in the form of his body and blood.  It is important to note that this presence is REAL and OBJECTIVE, not just a matter of faith.  As Catholics, we hold a deep devotion towards the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar.

During Mass, we do not just "remember" Jesus, but we commemorate the Last Supper. This is a fundamental concept to grasp, as for the Jews, a commemoration was not just a recollection of the past but an actualization of the event.  At every Mass, Jesus asks us to do this.

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5 concepts about the Eucharist

1. The origin of the word Eucharist is Greek, derived from two words: eucharisteiny and eulogein.   These words recall the Jewish blessings that acknowledge the works of God, including creation, redemption, and sanctification.

2. The moment of consecration is one of the most significant moments of the Mass.  It is an important moment because at this moment, the bread and wine change substance.  For this reason we kneel.

3. Transubstantiation is the moment when the bread and wine change substance. The bread and wine may seem like "normal" bread and wine, but Jesus is present in them.

4. Receiving Jesus.  It is essential to be prepared to receive Holy Communion.  To do so, one should have recently gone to confession, not have committed mortal sins, and should have not eaten or chewed gum one hour before Communion. 

5. Why can't I take the Holy Eucharist myself? It is important to know that Communion cannot be taken directly.  This is because Jesus always gives himself through others.

First Communion
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Formation for children: First Communion

At our Parish, we offer faith formation programs for both parents and children. The programs are designed to provide separate but related formation for adults and children, in order to allow parents to better address their children's questions about faith.
At Sacred Heart in Rowlett, we ensure that children receive proper knowledge and a deep understanding of their faith so that they can receive the Eucharist, the second sacrament of Christian Initiation. 

Communion Catechetical Schedules

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9:00 AM-10:30AM 


  • Pre-K for 3, 4 and 5 year olds

  • Kindergarten 

  • 1st Grade Sacrament Preparation for First Communion 

  • 2nd Grade Sacrament Preparation for First Communion

  • 3rd, 4th, 5th Grade Religious Education


11:00-11:45 AM



  • Special Needs (Sacrament and Religious Education) 




  • Communion 1 (Grades 3 -5) Adapted for Children 

  • Communion 2 (Grades 3-5) Adapted for Children   

  • 1st Grade Sacrament Preparation for First Communion 

  • 2nd Grade Sacrament Preparation for First Communion 




  • 6th Grade Religious Education * 

  • 3rd, 4th, 5th Religious Education *

  • 7th Grade and High School Confirmation 

  • Sacrament Preparation for Confirmation 1

  • 8th Grade and High School Confirmation 2 (Completed year 1 in 2022-2023)                             

  • RCIA Communion 1. (Grades 6-12)

  • Sacrament Preparation for Communion 1                          

  • RCIA Communion 2.  (Grades 6-8) 

  • Sacrament Preparation for Communion 2 (Completed year 1 in 2022-2023)

  • RCIA 2 Adapted for Children-Grades 9-12 (Completed year 1 in 2022- 2023)                    




  • Confirmation 1. Preparation for the Sacrament.

  • Confirmation 2. Preparation for the Sacrament.

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  • RCIA Communion 1 Adapted for children.

  • RCIA Communion 2 Adapted for children.

  • Parent Bible Class

  • Pre-K/Kindergarten

  • Religious Education (3rd-5th grade)

Mass times

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Saturday:  5:30 pm (English)

Sunday:  8:00 am (English)

Sunday:  9:30 am (Spanish)

Sunday:  11:00 am (English)

Sunday:  12:30 pm (Spanish)

Sunday:  5:30 pm (Youth & Young                                         Adult Mass)

Mass Times

Adoration Of The Blessed Sacrament

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Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. 

Mass: 8:30 am (English)

Exposition: 9:00 am to 6:00 pm

Holy hour

Any additional questions?

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