«Receive the Holy Spirit.»
John 20:22
The Sacrament of Holy Spirit
Confirmation is the third sacrament of Christian initiation, after Baptism and First Communion. It is a kind of seal that is imprinted within the Christian's soul, and makes us mature Christians, witnesses of Jesus.
For all these reasons, it is a sacrament that is administered during adolescence or adulthood, since a knowledge of and commitment to our faith is necessary to receive it.
If water is the element of Baptism, the Holy Chrism, blessed by the bishop on Holy Thursday, is the sign of Confirmation.
Confirmation can only be administered by the Bishop.
5 ideas to learn more about the Confirmation
1. Confirmation, like Baptism, imprints an indelible seal on the soul of the one who receives it, as a Christian.
2. During Confirmation, the baptismal promises are actualized.
3. During Confirmation, one is anointed with the Holy Chrism, a sign of consecration that is also received in Baptism and priestly ordination.
4. There is no specific age to receive it, but it is important that the person who receives it has a formation and is in a state of grace, that is, that he/she has recently received the sacrament of reconciliation.
5. It causes the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit to grow in the recipient: wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety, and fear of the Lord.
6. It configures us as persons closer to the Church, a community that walks together with the Bishop, towards the Kingdom of God.
7. It is not mandatory for marriage, but it is always a good idea to receive it. It does not matter the age of the baptized.
Confirmation Cathechesis
In our Parish we have an integral faith formation for both parents and children. The idea is that both adults and kids can have a separate formation, but in the same line and in the same schedules, so that parents can respond to their children in their doubts of faith.
Of course, in our parish of Sacred Heart of Rowlett, a knowledge and a deep experience of faith is given to the youngs so that they can receive the Confirmation, the third sacrament of Christian Initiation.
Confirmation Catechetical Schedules
3:00 PM-16:30 PM
7th Grade and High School Confirmation 1. Sacrament Preparation for Confirmation
8th Grade and High School Confirmation 2 (Completed year 1 in 2022-2023)
3:00 PM-4:30 PM
7th Grade and High School Confirmation 1. Sacrament Preparation for Confirmation
8th Grade and High School Confirmation 2 (Completed year 1 in 2022-2023)