By baptizing our children, we are opening the door for them to receive other sacraments, absolving them of original sin, allowing them to receive the three theological virtues of Faith, Hope, and Charity, and making them part of the great family of families that is the Church.
Confirmation is the third sacrament of Christian initiation, after Baptism and First Communion. It is a kind of seal that is imprinted within the Christian's soul, and makes us mature Christians, witnesses of Jesus.
For all these reasons, it is a sacrament that is administered during adolescence or adulthood, since a knowledge of and commitment to our faith is necessary to receive it.
If water is the element of Baptism, the Holy Chrism, blessed by the bishop on Holy Thursday, is the sign of Confirmation.
Confirmation can only be administered by the Bishop.
In our Parish we have an integral faith formation for both parents and children. The idea is that both adults and kids can have a separate formation, but in the same line and in the same schedules, so that parents can respond to their children in their doubts of faith.
Of course, in our parish of Sacred Heart of Rowlett, a knowledge and a deep experience of faith is given to the youngs so that they can receive the Confirmation, the third sacrament of Christian Initiation.
The sacrament of marriage -like the other sacraments instituted by Jesus- has a valuable particularity.
Just as in the other sacraments it is the priest or the bishop who confers it, in the case of marriage it is the man and the woman who grant it, by giving their consent in the presence of God and the Community.
The priest and the other guests are really only witnesses of the acceptance of the couple's vocation, of their mutual self-giving and of their commitment to love and respect each other every day, to accept the children that God will give them and to raise them in the Catholic faith. One member of the marriage couple must be Catholic & provide a recent Baptismal Certificate. This form can be obtained from the church of Baptism.
And everyone who has given up houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or lands for the sake of my name will receive a hundred times more, and will inherit eternal life - Matthew 19:29
Priests are indispensable in our Catholic Church. Thanks to them, our Church has continuity.
Even though, since our Baptism we are all constituted as Priests, Prophets and Kings, Jesus entrusted them to administer the sacraments and thanks to their yes, to accept Jesus' choice of them, we, the baptized, can receive them.
They are the only ones who can consecrate bread and wine in the Eucharist, and forgive sins in Confession.
The Sacrament of Priestly Ordination can only be administered by a bishop.For the non-consecrated or secular people, the priestly order seems a bit distant from our reality. Here are some ideas to better understanding this sacrament.
Is anyone among you sick? He should summon the presbyters of the church, and they should pray over him and anoint (him) with oil in the name of the Lord
James 5:14